Today Jupiter, the planet of faith, optimism, growth, and expansion moves into Capricorn, the sign of practical action, integrity, and achievement. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, and for the last year has been in its home sign of Sagittarius. In Sagittarius, Jupiter is at its most expansive: questing, illuminating, alive with possibility, bringing realization (though, on the other hand, potentially delivering a whopping dose of inflation and self-righteousness). In Sagittarius, Jupiter tends to operate in his most outward dimension: thus we speak of growth and expansion. It fills us with a hunger for learning and experience.
Capricorn, the sign of the winter solstice, fills a planet with a very different energy. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts. Capricorn, Saturn's domain, demands practical, step by step action. If Jupiter has been off adventuring through mountains, jungles, among the strange peoples of distant lands for the past year in Sag, collecting mind-blowing insights and experiences, it is now time for him to plant himself in one place, consider all that he has learned, and begin to apply the lessons. Capricorn also relates to tradition, social systems, and hierarchies. Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, has been there since 2008, digging up the bodies of the patriarchy (sexism, racism, toxic capitalism) so that they may rot in the fresh air. Saturn, bringing in a hard dose of reality, and the Moon's South Node, acting as a release valve for karma and past narratives, are also in Capricorn. With a Saturn-Pluto conjunction tightening up by the day, whatever skeletons we have in our collective closet are about to come storming out, armed with machine guns. Note: this is only a metaphor. But Saturn-Pluto times are no joke: both World Wars, Vietnam, and 9/11 all occurred under Saturn-Pluto aspects. A storm's a-brewing, and we all know it. I will not make a fool of myself by trying to predict what exactly it will look like. With Jupiter about to enter the fray, this is a time to hold onto your faith in whatever way it shows up for you. Saturn-Pluto can yield real transformation and a renewed sense of moral strength and vision of integrity, if they don't plunge us into utter cynicism and despair. Jupiter promises to make the spectacle more grand. And, with Jupiter's faith entering the in the sign of hierarchical social systems, there's a real danger of beliefs crystallizing into fundamentalist dogmas. But an open and practical faith, stemming from lived experience rather than belief, can be like a candle in the darkness. Recommended reading: The Choice, by Edith Eger and Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. This is by no means all that I have to say on these subject. If you're interested, please visit my YouTube channel, and subscribe and like. Videos on the nature of Jupiter, as well as the current situation in Capricorn, are forthcoming.
AuthorAlex Stein Archives
July 2022
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