In ancient times, the planets and the gods were one and the same. They are the forces that govern our characters, and as a wise man I did not have the pleasure of knowing personally said, "character is fate". It pays to develop a good relationship with the planets. To that end, let me share invocations that I have written to each of the personal planets, plus Jupiter and Saturn.
O Sun! Fill me with warmth, energy, and creativity. Sustain me in my sense of individuality, purpose, and personal authority. Teach me to shine! O Moon! Bring me nourishment, comfort and security. Help me to see that my basic emotional and survival needs are always met. Teach me to give and to receive, to nurture and heal. Help me feel what whatever I need to feel! O Mercury! Make me alert, curious, and perceptive. Help me to learn, to experiment. Give me the discrimination to use my knowledge effectively. Strengthen my memory and my senses and clarify my thoughts. Give me the gift of clear expression and speech that heals! O Venus! Show me the beauty in the world. Help me to sense my own value, and that of others. Show me that life is indeed good, and that it is worth living and sharing. Help me bring harmony into the world! O Mars! Give me courage, vitality and strength! Show me what I truly desire and empower me to act boldly and decisively to claim what is mine. Help me to guard my boundaries and to direct my anger and aggression in a way that serves the highest good. May true power prevail over force! O Jupiter! Make me sensitive to life's deeper meaning. Give me true faith, founded in deep wisdom! I won't take the rose-tinted variety. Bring coherence to my soul! Broaden my perspective! Extend my horizons! Show me that life is full of possibility! Make me so grateful that generosity rises from me like the scent from freshly-baked bread! Bring me understanding, abundance and grace! Help me to be a conduit for wisdom and justice. O Saturn! Give me the patience to make something out of this life! Show me my limitations, provide me the vessel, the canvas, the foundation... be my rhythm section! May I always keep one foot on the ground, in your honor. Help me to see fear as an important message. Give me the discipline to follow through on projects, to keep my commitments, to sharpen my skills. Give me integrity! Help me to be a steward of my body and environment. Give me the satisfaction of true achievement!
AuthorAlex Stein Archives
July 2022
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